In the case of Viki Wilson:
Wilson learned that the fetus she has been carrying brain had developed outside the skull.

In the case of Vikki Stella:
Stella's fetus had dwarfism, no brain tissue and seven other major abnormalities.
In the case of Tammy Watts:
Watts got an abortion after “she discovered her baby had Trisomy 13, a chromosomal abnormality that causes severe deformities and carries no hope of survival.”
"All three women told legislators they owed their health to late-term abortions and that a continuation of their doomed pregnancies posed grave health risks such as stroke, paralysis, infertility or even death."
Molly Ginty, “Late-Term Abortion Saved These Women’s Lives,” WeNews, October 28, 2004,
I have to say, I 100% agree with this. As much as one might believe that making abortion illegal will stop certain things, it won't. This being illegal is necessary failsafe for legitimate pregnancy concerns. The down side being that it is available to any woman for any reason, shallow or life threatening, However I think it is necessary for it to be an option to the women who truly need it.